Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 59 Rio Grande to Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego

Wearing every layer of clothing I had brought, we set out for Ushuaia, the most southern city in the world. I was expecting more of the same barren and desolate terrain, but the bleak landscape soon gave way to snow capped mountains covered in brilliant red and orange trees. Tierra del Fuego translates to Land of Fire and now I knew why. I'm not sure if it is only like this in the fall, but it was magnificent. We reached Ushuaia in the early afternoon. Even though we had made it to the island the day before, it was here that the true finish line had been crossed. Despite any number of things could have happened to cut the trip short, we were fortunate enough to have made it to the bottom of the world. We had traveled 13,000 miles and through 13 different countries to make it here and it was a great moment indeed.